
Remembering Phil

To reflect, share, feel, mourn, whatever

Friday, February 16, 2007

I can't believe in 39 days its going to be 3 years since my dear nephew went to sleep, yes I said sleep, a long sleep until the day that His Maker will call his name, and I am certain that he will answer. I miss him so much, I was looking at his picture last night and my heart got so heavy, my eyes couldn't stop stearing at his beautiful and bright smile, I take comfort to know that he lived a full and happy life. I can't wait for that day when my Jesus, Phil Jesus appears in the skies with millions, millions of angels just to get us, and take us in that land where Jesus promised in john 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled, he believed in God believed also in me, in my Father's house are many mentions if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go, I would come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am there you may be also." I am comforted by His word everyday. Hope keeps me going. My heart is still hurting for not being able to see him, hear his voice, touch him, but thank God for memories, no one can take them away from us, therefore as we are remembering Phil, let us also remember that God is able, and love each one of us with an everlasting love, and one day we will have answers to all of our questions. Let us just trust Him and let others feel our love. Brighten someones day with a smile today, it will do you good. God bless.
posted by Friends  # 10:49 AM

Monday, September 04, 2006

Still remembering.
posted by Friends  # 3:09 AM

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Once in a while i see the glimmer of phil in someone else's eyes, just a brief glimpse of whatever that great aura was. Just a glimpse.
posted by Friends  # 1:34 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I can't believe it's already been a year. I was at an Easter vigil all night..and all I could think about was Phil. I don't think it's a mistake that this date fell right on Easter. This is a sign to me that God is real and is there for Phil, and for all of us. Happy Easter everyone.

Sean Gavarny
posted by Friends  # 2:21 PM

Sunday, December 26, 2004

I had a dream about Phil last night. It seemed to last a long time, I think there was a part of me that knew I wasn't awake, but it seemed so real anyway. It felt good to feel his presence again.

posted by Friends  # 7:57 PM

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hey guys...
I just wanted to tell you that if you wanted to post something on this go to: www.blogger.com The Username is: rememberingphil and the password is: friends. Then just click on Post new Blog and there you go. A lot of people have forgotten the password so just thought I would help out!!!

Lets get this started again.

Morgan Brodey

posted by Friends  # 1:35 AM

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Last night I went to WOHS to support my brother and the entire Marching Band on a great season, as well as to wish them the best of luck when they go to Giant's Stadium later on today. It's been about a year or so since I've taken any step inside that building and as soon as I started walking around a plethora of memories shot to mind; some happy, some sad, some absurd events - but all in all I had a good time.
During the ceremony Mr. Kelly stood up to speak to the band and family members there and mentioned Phil first and foremost. I immediately choked up, just as Mr. Kelly and a few of my friends did. It's just so hard to grasp the fact that Phil has passed on. After gaining composure, Mr. Kelly mentioned that a scholarship was started in Phil's memory and I think it's a great idea. I believe it is given to someone who can stand next to Phil. However, as Mr. Kelly said, no one can really stand next to Phil; no on can really match his sense of humor, generosity, diligence, and overall passion for life. After Mr. Kelly was finished and everyone left to go home, I still had Phil on my mind. As I live my life from day to day I can only try to have the same passion for life that he had. I have to just laugh sometimes because I find myself just talking to complete strangers over the course of a day (something I never used to do) - and always walking around with a smile on my face. I'm always trying to make people laugh or at least crack a smile - people need to learn that there's more to life than grades and tests and constantly worrying. I try to make it so people feel my presence in the room and also, miss my presence when I'm gone. Man, there's just so many emotions going through my mind right now - I'm just gonna sum up by saying, thanks Phil for being the kind of guy you were. You've inspired me in so many ways and have taught me so many things about life, whether you are aware of it or not. I'll leave it at that I guess. Hope everyone's doing well. If you read this say a prayer that WOHS wins today (or at least that Immaculata doesn't get first hehe)!

posted by Friends  # 7:12 AM


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